Virtual Addiction Recovery Program Traverse City, MI at The Retreat

Struggling with addiction can feel isolating. It can be even more frustrating if you live in Traverse City, MI, where offline addiction rehab isn’t up to the mark. Thankfully, The Retreat offers a lifeline in Traverse City, MI. We bring expert support right to your home with the best virtual addiction recovery program Traverse City, MI has to offer. No more barriers. Just healing. Start your journey with us today.

Virtual Drug and Alcohol Addiction Rehab Program in Traverse City, MI

What we just said about the statistics is concerning. We have always felt pressured by this data to incorporate personalized virtual rehab in Traverse City, MI. The outcome of this is our virtual retreat in the Traverse City area. The goal of these programs is to help those who are housebound get clean and take back control of their lives.

In our view, all it takes to beat co-occurring substance abuse is consistent, focused effort. Yet, relapse rates are higher for many program graduates. Leaving without a plan is the key offense here. For this reason, a relapse prevention program is a feature of our virtual drug rehab program in Traverse City, MI. Whoever has been sober for a while or is looking for help following a relapse can benefit from it.

In regard to alcoholism, we are confident that the journey to recovery will be worthwhile. Nobody should ever be afraid to get help from those around them if they are battling alcoholism. This could include close family and friends, coworkers, doctors, community leaders, and counselors. Furthermore, our network of sober individuals and addiction specialists is available to suffering addicts at all times. You will not have to go far to find sobriety with our virtual alcohol counseling. 

Our Addiction Recovery Programs at The Retreat

Our virtual retreat in Traverse City, MI is open to anyone who is serious about staying sober. Everything we do is based on the Twelve Steps. It is widely recognized that the model can facilitate spiritual healing. 

Until you sign up, we will not be able to demonstrate how our online programs function. But our offline recovery offerings will teach you all about how The Retreat works. Take a look at them to see what the offline programs have to offer:


Men’s Residential

We at The Retreat firmly believe that any individual struggling can employ the Twelve Steps in order to succeed in sobriety. Hence, men who come to our Men’s Recovery Center must make a firm decision to follow the Twelve Steps. To round out the program, they are also provided with any additional spiritual principles. That way, everyone can put more effort into improving their spiritual well-being.  

Meanwhile, the men in the program help each other out as they look for a group of friends who can offer them support. This method aids in their rehabilitation. Plus, individuals figure out ways to handle the pressures of daily life.   

Men are introduced to the various forms of addiction rehab at the beginning of the program. The primary goal here is to acknowledge their sobriety and to continue on the path to recovery.


Women’s Residential

More women than men experience relapse, organ failure, and intense cravings when they use drugs. Thus, ignoring the relevance of women’s recovery is naive. Thankfully, The Retreat is there. When it comes to making women feel loved, we spare no effort. Anyone will be able to blend in perfectly with the lively community.

The backing of the community is the driving force behind our encouraging Women’s Recovery Center. Spiritual growth is fostered and sustained by women when they come together. The Retreat provides female guests with harm reduction resources for decision-making and addiction education. There is not a need that our array of holistic programs can not address. 


Evening Program

The Evening Program is available 24/7 as an alternative to more traditional 18-week in-person intensive outpatient programs. It provides a therapeutic setting and allows participants to access it without disrupting their regular duties.  

However, this program will only consider applicants who meet the following criteria:

  • Addicts in the early phases of recovery
  • Those who have managed to avoid relapse 
  • Individuals who have participated in residential programs 

In our Evening Program, participants can focus on getting well in a safe environment. By merging the principles of recovery with the Big Book’s ‘Design for Living,” they can establish a firm groundwork for full recovery. With the help of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) principles, many people are able to make significant strides in their recovery. The program also delves deeply into the science of addiction and the Twelve Steps. 

Still, the program is more than just guidance and legislation. Participants in the program also gain knowledge on how to apply recovery concepts in their daily lives. They get a clearer view of how addiction changes one’s behavioral processes and causes mental disorders.   


55Plus Program

The Retreat 55-Plus Program is dedicated to seniors as a means of sobriety maintenance assistance. Folks who want to change and folks who have been sober can meet here. Local resources, necessities, and personal growth can all be found through our services for people over the age of 55. The 12 steps help them stay sober, and when they hit a roadblock, they reach out for help. Many have begun their road to recovery using this approach. This strategy has been quite fruitful for us.

This program may provide relief for anxiety and depression in people who struggle with social situations. Come to one of our meetings if you want to find out more. The regular meeting times for the elders of the group are as follows: Tuesdays at 8 and 10 a.m., Fridays and Sundays at 10 a.m.          


Relapse Program

If you have been clean for a while but have experienced a minor relapse, this program is ideal for you. Only people who are presently residing in sober living environments and plan to return after the completion of the program are usually eligible to participate.    


Renewal Program

Our Renewal Program gives a chance to individuals already in recovery to get “back to the basics.” Participants and the residential guests immerse themselves in our program and daily routine.


Family Program

The drug problem has the potential to touch your loved ones. In such instances, locating recovery services that are welcoming to families becomes crucial. In this regard, The Retreat’s Family Program can be an excellent starting point for offering sincere recovery support services.  

An individual’s opioid overdose or alcoholism affects everyone in the family. We understand an addict’s loved ones may already be under a lot of stress during tough times. Still, the support and cooperation of the addict’s loved ones are crucial for the success of our program. The Twelve Steps of AA in our program contain useful information for families dealing with an addict.   


Sober Housing

Those in need of a safe place to focus on their recovery can find it at one of our St. Paul sober living communities. Individuals of different sexes have different spheres of influence in these households. There is enough room for 70 people in the gender-separate quarters. Their bond is still very strong. As a support group, we value cooperation and getting things done.   

Six recovery residences are under The Retreat’s supervision. We aim to educate individuals about addiction and recovery at our sober houses. We highly recommend that our sponsors work together. 

Even if someone chooses to depart, they will still receive robust support. This will determine whether they fully recover.  

As a facility, The Retreat is completely dedicated to ensuring the well-being of people with addiction problems. So, to stay in our program, you need to be fully engaged, pay on time, and give it your all. Weekly attendance at four or more required AA meetings facilitates networking with other members and a sponsor. On top of that, there are options to participate in weekly home meetings and Big Book studies.  

If you would like to discuss sober living in more detail, feel free to call us at your convenience.  

Choosing the Right Virtual Addiction Recovery Program Traverse City, MI 

Many believe that inpatient or residential programs are the best. Why? Because you have a dedicated team of experts ready to help you 24/7. But for those juggling work, family, and recovery, virtual programs can be perfect. Finding the right virtual rehab program can turn out to be life-changing for them. 

At the end of the day, it’s up to you. Do you need the round-the-clock care of an inpatient facility, or do you prefer the flexibility of a virtual program? The choice is yours.

There are a few factors to think about if you choose the virtual option, though. Check them out:

  • A professional virtual recovery program must be easy to use and flexible. It should allow people to attend sessions without disrupting their daily routines. Consistency is key.
  • Both one-on-one and group sessions are essential for the effectiveness of the virtual program. These sessions provide a balanced approach to healing. The 12-step program of AA is a great example of how to structure the path to recovery. 
  • Addiction specialists, mental health workers, and clinical psychologists should be on the team. Their expertise can accelerate the recovery process and offer comprehensive support.
  • Engagement is vital. Workshops, online meetings, and live Q&A sessions make virtual recovery more enjoyable. They provide valuable knowledge and skills in addition to building a supportive community.
  • An excellent virtual retreat also offers a strong alumni network. Staying in touch with former attendees lowers the risk of relapse and helps everyone. For long-lasting support, the sense of community goes beyond the program.

All of this and more is available at The Retreat. If you or a loved one are in need of the top Traverse city virtual recovery program, The Retreat offers everything you need.    

Why Choose Us?

Those in need of assistance in overcoming addiction can find it here at The Retreat. Every person’s story is unique and deserves special attention. For that reason, we reject the idea of universal healthcare. As there is no such thing as a typical patient, we prioritize meeting the needs of each individual. This is why our Traverse City, MI virtual rehab programs are adaptable enough to aid in long-term recovery.

With our evidence-based practices, achieving long-term sobriety is within reach. We adhere to the 12-step model, but we never suggest that it can replace programs that rely on medication. 

However, if you believe that our online care is not sufficient, our Wayzata branch is ready to give you confidential assistance. If you need someone to listen, feel free to stop by. We can beat addiction and make our futures better if we work together.  

Our office is at your service to connect you with someone who gets it. Contact us at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions at any time, our team is here to help. Dial the hotline at 952-476-0566 or 866-928-3434 to speak with an agent.