Retreats, Classes & Workshops Calendar

The calendar below lists all events supporting spiritual development which are held at The Retreat. We believe the development of the human spirit is critical to a successful and fulfilling life. All overnight retreats are held at The McIver Center for Family and Spiritual Development, which provides a nourishing and reflective environment that is designed to supports one’s spiritual journey.

Retreats, Classes, and Workshops sponsored by The Retreat are all lead by Retreat staff, who have extensive experience creating programming that allows others to deepen their spirituality. All presenters are actively engaged in 12 Step recovery.

Events are lead by the following:

  • Sherry Gaugler-Stewart, Director of Family and Spiritual Recovery
  • Roger Bruner, Family and Spiritual Recovery
  • Jake Klisivitch, Men’s Recovery
  • Jack Odom, 55PLUS Recovery


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Upcoming Events






Oct 25-27, 2024
Sought Through Prayer & Meditation

An 11th Step retreat with Sherry Gaugler-Stewart.
"Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out."

Step 11 speaks of improving our conscious contact with our Higher Power, which isn’t easy to do if we don’t take time and space to intentionally focus on and strengthen that relationship. This retreat will be an opportunity to renew and deepen our commitment to this Relationship and our program by focusing on Step 11—practicing prayer, meditation, and quiet reflection throughout the weekend.

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Dec 27-29, 2024
The Shaping Process: focusing on efforts, not results

A weekend retreat with Roger B.

How do I come to the place where I can let God or these Higher Principles guide and shape me? How do I know when it's my idea or God's? If it’s my Higher Power’s will or mine? How do I create a lifestyle that frees me to continue to grow? We are the clay, and our Higher Power is the Master Potter. During this weekend we explore how to mold ourselves into having a totally different relationship, by allowing ourselves to be open to the possibilities that come when we’re open to guidance.

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FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Jen at or Sherry at, or call us at 952.476.0566.

All dates above are in 2023 if not otherwise specified.


Check Our Calendar for More Info!

George Mann Project